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Quality Parameters Followed At Uma Clay Industries

  • China Clay (Kaolin) and clays properties after firing - shrinkage, color data, water absorption
  • China Clay (Kaolin) and clays plasticity
  • Bulk materials grain size distribution
  • Chemical content of non-metalliferous raw materials
  • Whiteness and other color data of kaolin, carbonate fillers
  • Dispersive content of kaolin, clays and other micro products
  • China Clay (Kaolin) and clays mechanical strength of bending
  • Paper China Clay (Kaolin) abrasiveness
  • Quantitative oxide composition of silicate materials
  • Oxide composition of non-metalliferous raw materials
  • Mineral composition of non-metalliferous raw materials
  • Thermal extension coefficient of ceramic bodies
  • Suspensions pH value
  • Fineness of grinding